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Junior DEVELOPERS don't have ALL the skills REQUIRED for industry

We can fill the gaps including personal effectiveness, giving and receiving feedback,  XP and TDD.

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 S&A’s Junior Developer 4 Week Booster Programme

Designed by industry CTO’s to provide additional, real world, relevant skills training to your junior developers, as well as your employees already undergoing a traditional software developer apprenticeship

We’ve designed a focused 4 week training programme to help your junior developers (and other technology staff)  deliver value faster. Our programme helps to take the onboarding and training burden away from your in-house senior developers (who are already overloaded with critical tasks) and enables you to turn your existing available talent into enthusiastic, effective team members much quicker.

Engineering Managers have told us that they want a focus on people skills, agile and XP practices and software craftmanship to nurture a build it, ship it, support it, DevOps style mindset.


4-Weeks Training for £3K

You could find that in your cloud costs, in your training budget, in your starting salary for a Junior Developer.

Week 1
Week 1

People Skills

Personal effectiveness, Radical Candour, Navigating conflict, Story telling.  These aren’t soft skills, these are the behavioural and personal skills to navigate team interactions and communicate effectively.

Week 2
Week 2

Agile, Lean, XP and Flow

Agile isn’t dead.  It’s a mindset of delivering value little and often, responding to feedback and continuously learning.  We explore team values, minimising WIP, identifying bottlenecks and effective agile processes.

Week 3
Week 3

Software Craftmanship

TDD is more than just red, green refactor it’s about evolutionary, emerging architecture and doing exactly what is needed to fulfil the customer need.

Through our Pragmatic Programmer book club we instil the principles of YAGNI and clean code.


Week 4
Week 4


Build it. Ship it. Support it. Secure it.

We introduce infrastructure-as-code, finding problems before your customers, incident management and security by design.


Delivered by leading industry coaches

Our people know what good looks like

This isn’t an academic training course.  It’s grounded in decades of industry experience ensuring your juniors get the best possible start to their career.